Saturday, January 15, 2011

Ha! Amazing...


I say that because my last post on here was made back in September of 2010. I am quite sure by now there are absolutely zero people who keep up with attempting to read this blog. I really MUST be better about posting. The silly thing is, I get onto my blog almost daily to get access to the blogs I follow (see to the right) and read what everyone else is up to. Most recently, I have been captivated by the Hendricks' Blog and the mighty work God is doing in Haiti through this family. Every time I open a new "window" to read the Hendrick Blog, I pray God opens my heart to what He has for me - how can I help? how can I serve people in my community? What ugly things/thoughts are in my heart that are hindering Him working through me? Seriously, inspiring people those Hendricks are!

I don't want to say my life has been so utterly boring since September that there has been nothing to write' think together and come up with some things I can put down to catch you up about life in the Floyd Home......hmmmmmmm

OH! Yes! Okay, here you go:

1. We had a lovely Christmas. I, Anna, got my FAVORITE Willow Tree Nativity set that I have been wanting FOREVER! It is so gorgeous!!! I was so sad that it was Christmas Day and technically I have to put it away for a whole 'nother year!!! I am SURE, due to my new nativity, we will be decorating on Thanksgiving day. lol

2. The day after Christmas, we received a precious, unexpected gift! A kitten (about 8mo) was wandering around outside out home as we were saying, "Bye." to some friends who had joined us for a post-Christmas dinner and we decided to let the kitten come inside. If you know anything about me, you know I am ANTI-cat and I am certainly ANTI ANY animal living inside the house. But, blame it on her sweet temperament, I openly agreed to keep this cat.

3. We now are in total LOVE with our cat! lol Her name is Evia, and she is truly a member of our family. I am called the "crazy cat lady" at work because I talk about her all the time, I follow all the instructions the vet and instructional cat books gave us (therefore, I brush her teeth weekly, bathe her monthly, scoop her litter box twice a day and thoroughly clean it out weekly). People think I am crazy......I call it LOVE. :)

4. We have really enjoyed our new church home. We attend Onelife, and totally LOVE it. God is present, people are real...genuine, and we have both felt challenged and encouraged. Great way to start off 2011!

5. Finally, I have loved that we have been quite diligent in trying to make all our meat, veggie and fruits that we eat be either locally grown or be grass-fed. We have been able to do this by purchasing all our meat from Yonder Way Farm. I make my order, monthly, and they deliver it to Pearland. All their meat is raised right there on their farm, is grass-fed, and has no added hormones. They also have fresh eggs and raw milk. We purchase our veggies and fruit from a couple local Farmers' Markets in our area. Most notably, Froberg's. You do have to be careful to make sure it is locally grown, and it is a little hard to get used to the fact that strawberries and watermelon are not in-season year-round, but I am feeling like these are all good choices to living healthier, longer lives.

Well, that is all for now. :) I will leave you with a picture of the newest member of our family, our sweet Evia!

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