Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'll take it!

This Saturday night I get to have an extra hour of sleep thanks to good 'ol Daylight Savings!

I am a bit sad, however, that it will begin to get darker earlier. I enjoy being able to walk in the park in the evenings with my sweet Scotty. Now, we will have to be home be 7 or so to beat the sunset. :(

Even though Daylight Savings comes around bi-annually, I am sure that in the Spring, I will be just as surprised to lose my hour.....and will probably write a blog-rant about how upset I am about that. ;)

OH - here are some fun things going on today:
1. I'm cooking a SUPER YUMMY desert for my work staff luncheon.
2. Going to early voting before work.
3. Hottie and I have "date night" tonight. :) :) :)
4. I'm carving pumpkins with my class today! FUN and MESSY! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Can you believe it?!?


I know! It is CRAZY. For those of you that know me well....I hate reading. Seriously. I think, in my lifetime, I have read maybe 4 books. In school, I would do ANYTHING I could to NOT read books for class.

I remember, in 9th grade English, our teacher would give us a quiz each Friday over the chapter we were supposed to read the week before. However, he loved the it when "students" would get enraptured in a book, so he could talk about it for hours. So, every Friday I would somehow ask a question about one of the characters that I "just didn't understand". He would begin a discussion about the chapter we were on and why that character was doing what he/she was doing. By the end of each discussion, I would have almost enough information to make at least a "B", if not an "A" on each quiz. By "test time", our "study guide" was our quizes! I made an "A" in the class - without ever picking up a book!

However, now I am getting older (hopefully wiser) and realizing a couple things:

1. I want my children to love reading. How can I instill that in them, if I don't read joyfully?

2. I want to become the kind of wife and mom that honors God, but I definitely have no idea where to begin. I know I am in for some heavy reading, prayer and mentoring...

So, after many suggestions from wives I look up to, I bought the book "The Excellent Wife". I have not even had this book for a week and am already on chapter 10!!! I am captivated, humbled, inspired and excited!

Marriage, in two months, has already taught me that I am definitely all about ME. I love serving Scotty. I love making him lunch, dinner, making the bed, doing laundry....all those things. However, the moment I feel like one of my "needs" are not being met, something in me just wants to make everything I do shut down. I want to say, "WAIT! I did all "this" and you can't see that I need "that"???" Then I'm done.


That is NOT God's plan for marriage. That is NOT God honoring.

If you are a wife, and have not yet read this book, GET IT. It will revolutionize the way you think about your life, your purpose and your husband.

....more to come..........

Monday, October 20, 2008

Are you willing to die for your faith?

Believe it or not, this question pops up in my mind more than a couple times a week. I wonder, in that moment:

Could I die and be okay with never having children?

Could I die and be okay with leaving my sweet husband of only 2 months?

Could I die not knowing if my dad ever accepted Christ?

Could I????

The truth is, I have to. I have to believe that God's plan for my life is GREATER and my own. I have to just trust Him. Trust He will take care of my family. He is the ultimate provider.

I read THIS, and am praying He is caring for Gayle's family now.


With my crockpot, of course!

I don't know how any working person can truly live without one of these fantastic inventions. I am fine with coming home a couple nights a week and making dinner, but there is nothing like getting up in the morning, throwing some carrots, potatoes, onions, seasonings, roast and water in a crockpot - setting it on low for 8hrs - and returning home from work to a home full of wonderful aromas and a fully prepared Pot Roast dinner ready to eat!

While I am on the subject, here are some other things I simply cannot live without:

I have not always been a coffee fan, but thanks to Coffee Mate - I am almost an addict! Best of all, they have seasonal creamers! Currently, Peppermint Mocha is my favorite while Scotty prefers Pumpkin Spice...BOTH occupy a corner of the refrigerator.

Swiffer makes TONS of great products I love, but currently I cannot get enough of this little handheld duster! I have the one with the long extended handle, and I am able to dust the fans, all the blinds and the top of the doors without breaking a sweat! I LOVE IT!

So.............what can YOU not live without????

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Savannah Grace

Sweet Savannah had her surgery yesterday. God, as always, proved to be faithful. Her mom had a peace she could not explain, but gave glory to Him. The doctors originally throught since she was born with 2 left sides of a heart (not a visible right and left) that she would not have correct blood flow in hear heart or maybe only have 1 chamber in her heart, so her oxygenated blood would mix with the un-oxygenated blood. But, PRAISE GOD, inside her little heart, all is normal! Right chambers and left chambers. Blue blood goes in, Red goes out and they are not mixing!

She was also born with pretty much no wall around a huge part of her heart which caused her to have a very hard time breathing and has not allowed her to grow (she was born 7lbs 3oz, she is now 10 lbs at 6 months). They were able to patch the wall, and see her having no issues with growing and breathing any longer!


1. Pray for a miraculously fast recovery for little Savannah.

2. Pray for her 2 older brothers' Bradley and Josh Jr. - 3yr and 1.5yr - they miss their mom and dad already, and have a long road ahead of them.

3. Pray for mom and dad as they have 4 days with Savannah in the ICU unit and about 2-3 weeks in the hospital before being able to return home to some normalcy with their other children.

4. Pray for the general things the devil can take a hold of durning times like these and cause rifts in marriages and families: tension, stress, finances, lack-of-sleep, etc....

Thank you!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's LAUNDRY day!

Believe it or not, I like Laundry Days! I have determined that Wed and Fri will be my laundry days. I enjoy getting up early in the morning so I can have some time to read and walk at the park before going to work. So, because of my early mornings, I am usually able to get about 2 loads in before even going to work!

Wednesdays always have more because I also wash bed sheets. But, it is not the pure organization of Laundry Days that excites is the precious SMELL of my softner!

I LOVE SOFTNER. I am truly addicted! I never used it until I met Scotty, but once I smelled his clean laundry, I was hooked!

The frustration of softner is you have to "pour" it in durning the rinse cycle. Who sits around their washer to wait for the rinse cycle??? In the beginning I would get so frustrated because I would always miss it!!

NEVER AGAIN thanks to the handy Downy Balls! Just fill one up with softner close the top and drop it in at the beginning of the cycle. When your clothes are done, the ball has released the softner at just the right time and your clothes smell just like your favorite softner!

ahhhhhhhhhh heavenly!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I just thought I might take a moment and update everyone on some not-so-important happenings in the Floyd Home:

1. Scotty has not been working on Galveston Island much. He worked at UTMB (in Galveston) for about 2 weeks just after the storm, but has since been working at the UTMB clinics in the surrounding areas.

2. Anna recently got a small promotion at work. Along with teaching, she will also be "closing" the daycare Tues, Thurs and Fri. This is exciting as it is a pay increase and a chance to learn more about management.

3. We finally got to celebrate Scotty's birthday with the annual Scotty/Connie birthday dinner last Saturday. We ate at a FANTASTIC steak restaurant called Killens. If you live in the area, and have some coin to spare - THIS IS A GREAT DATE NIGHT RESTAURANT!

4. We meet with the insurance adjuster on Saturday. Yay!

5. Anna is officially Anna Floyd! YAHOO! SSN changed. DL changed. Insurance changed. Bank accounts merged. *whew*

1. Please join us in prayer for all the UTMB employees that are about to lose their jobs. The number will be great and will be soon.
2. Please pray if Scotty is chosen to be let go that God shows us immediately where he is to go.
3. Pray with us for a sweet 6 month old girl, Savannah, she is having open heart surgery Thursday (Oct. 16).

Thank you! We love you all!

Friday, October 10, 2008


Scotty and I went to see this movie for our date night this week. I would encourage everyone to see this movie! We always are trying to see films that do not have cursing / nudity in them, but this went above and beyond.

I was totally surprised and a bit upset with myself while watching this movie. As I sat in the movie theater, I knew it was going to be a movie about a failing marriage and a husband that would eventually come to know the Lord. However, I was totally in awe of my heart reaction when I felt a little embarrassed to hear "Jesus" spoken of so many times in the movie.

CRAZY, I know! Has my heart been so hardened and my ears been so desensitized from watching all the filth over the years that when a movie finally comes along with the audacity to speak TRUTH - I feel embarrassed to hear it?

I pray I would not just go through my days - in and out - without making an impact for the Kingdom. I pray I would not just do the daily chores of the house without truly serving my husband in love. I pray I would not just speak words without realizing they are truly either life or death - nothing else. Most of all, I pray I would hold God's name in reverence and honor - brining GLORY to Him every moment and not feel ashamed to speak the name of Jesus Christ.

Go see the movie. For real.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Back on Track

I am gearing up to be back on track with my good eating/exercising habits tomorrow.

Side note: Why is it whenever one decides to "eat right" or "exercise", one does so on a Monday? Why can't I just start TODAY? Well, because I'm not going to - that's why...

Anyway, I lost about 40 lbs. for my wedding by working out every day at work during my lunch hour (thank God for the free gym at work) and bringing the above pictured "Smart One" meals as my lunch. I have always had such a frustration with my weight, and I am sure I will struggle with it my entire life. So, while I am still in my 20's, I would like to attempt to at least get to the "medically appropriate" weight for my height and attempt to maintain that.

So, pray with me. Pray that I would not focus on the numbers on the scale, but on my health. Pray that I would remember God's definition of beauty and not the world's. Pray I would not give into any temptations - I love food. Seriously. LOVE IT.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Whoo Hooo!

I am usually not looking forward to Fridays like the rest of the working world. They usually sneak up on me, and I feel like my week flew by. I wonder how I didn't see it coming.

However, this week, I have been anxiously waiting for Friday. I think all my precious 2yr olds ate donuts for breakfast this week! Every day has been a little on the crazy side. Co-workers have been causing so much drama this week I have to go to scriptures daily just to not feel totally defeated.

I am definitely going to relax this weekend - possibly tackle the back yard - and just be thankful I got through the week.