Monday, September 29, 2008


Why is it so stinkin' difficult to work with other women?

It is incredibly hard to find a woman who speaks truth, takes constructive criticism well and is always professional in the workplace.

For me to elaborate on my frustration would be inapproprate.

I'm just................frustrated.

Oh the Joy!

This weekend proved to be on both ends of the spectrum for us. On Saturday we did absolutely nothing. Honestly. I wish I could say that I got up, cleaned the bathrooms, swiffered the floors and had a very productive day. Sadly, no.

However, an extremely lazy Saturday made me need to get out on Sunday and accomplish something major. So, Scotty and I decided we would do the front yard. Keep in mind, we have not had to mow a lawn or rake anything for years. I never did. So, we were both very leary about possibly severing an imporant limb in the process. I figures we would both get out there, work for a couple hours and be done. Easy breazy.

We started about 12:30pm and finished around 6:30pm!


I was in shock. I still am. I have blisters on both my hands from the rake and I am extremely saddened to know it took two people 6 hours to do one small front yard! The back yard is double the size of the front! Please, Lord Jesus, help my husband and me to be better yard workers! Help me to not spend 12 hours on my back yard next weekend.

I am terrified.

**On a side note: a special thank you to Karen who bought us a new lawn mower and to Patti and Glen for giving us even more lawn equipment! We are truly grateful to not spend $35 weekly to have people come mow our yard. We just have to get better at it ourselves. ;)

Hey there!

Hello family, friends and anyone else who cares to hear what all is going on in our lives. We hope we are able to update this blog quite frequently with pictures, video and fun stuff we are doing.

However, keep in mind, we are not the most fun people out there - we do enjoy just laying around the house doing absolutely nothing. So, we'll see just how "fun" things get. :)