Sunday, August 29, 2010


After yesterday's blog, I truly was bothered by the idea that we (my Hottie and I) are boring people.

Do I really feel that way?

Are we really old and boring?

After swimming in my thoughts all day long about this, around 8:30pm last night, I came to the conclusion....YES! I do feel like we are kind-of boring people. There is nothing wrong with being "home bodies", and I certainly don't want to blow the budget ever weekend to have some crazy excursion. However, I do want this time in our lives to be intentional. We have agreed to not start a family yet. Therefore, if we are choosing to wait, we need to intentionally be:

1. Seeking the Lord and spending good, quality time with Him
2. Learning how to serve each other and working harder each day to be a better spouse
3. Sleep in and stay up late when we can
4. Have spontaneous moments of fun (picnics, hikes, a weekend away, visit the zoo, etc..)

All the above mentioned things are extremely hard to come by once a new baby comes into the picture. I don't want us wasting this season of life we have been given.

I shared all these thoughts with my sweet husband, and he concurred. We both got dressed at 8:30pm, headed to dinner and then went bowling till midnight. :) After bowling we enjoyed pie, coffee and conversation.

....maybe I will have some things to write about in the future... :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

7 months ago...

Seven months ago, I wrote on this blog. Ever since, I hop on here daily....truly, clickk on my blogging friends to the right ---> to see what whitty, insightful or eventful things might be going on in their lives, but have yet to update anything happening in mine.

It is quite possibly that I don't update because I NEVER take pictures. Seriously. I always forget the camera. Last weekend is a GREAT example of my horrible picture-taking abilities. It was our two-year anniversary. Both Scotty and I got all dressed-up to have a nice dinner at Marks, we were SURE to bring the camera...but, in the end both of us forgot to get a picture and at the last minute, the waiter took a picture of us and it turned-out pretty bad.

It is also possible that I don't update the blog too much because:
1. I refuse to talk about work on any internet outlet (facebook, twitter, blogspot, etc...)
2. I refuse to talk about family on any internet outlet
3. We are pretty boring people

Seriously. ALL...truly, ALL the juicy, dramatic, full-of-opinion stuff in my life comes from work and family. I would never want anyone's feelings hurt or anything that I type to be miscommunicated, so only Scotty gets to hear all that fun stuff, and he helps me to filter what we should be talking about and what we shouldn't (i.e. gossip).

Other than that, we really don't have much going on over here in the Floyd home. Until there are baby Floyds to talk about and little milestones to document for the blog world, you just might have to put up with my every 1/2 a year update. :) However, I will do my best to be better....

I have lunch with Ashley today! Maybe I'll get a picture or two and write about that! :)